Join Our Royalty Program

Leverage your expertise and earn up to a 20% royalty if you help us build a course to educate your peers. Read below for more information.

Step 1: Build Presentation

  • SAE and course builder will review outline together to ensure it captures the required information. 
  • Once approved, you build out your slide presentation using Keynote, PowerPoint, or Google Slides. 
  • Please ensure it follows the Texas State Board of Dental Examiner rules.

Step 2: Presentation Branding

  • SAE will take your slides and reformat it to have a consistent look across all courses. 
  • These slides will be used as your guide as you present in front of the camera. 
  • SAE will send it back for you to practice delivery.

Step 3: Production Time

  • SAE will coordinate logistics such as date, time, and location and will provide guidance on outfit.
  • SAE will provide a professional production to ensure the course is optimally captured.

Step 4: Course Goes Live

  • After final production, SAE publishes the course. 
  • SAE will also market to over 15,000 dentists in Texas by driving awareness and purchasing advertising at all the proper channels.

Step 5: Get Paid

  • SAE compensates a shared royalty to course builders that contributed to creating and presenting a course for 1 year with an option for another year after that course launches.

Ready to become a partner?

Fill in the form, and we will contact you to provide more information.